Wild Weaving

Next session: Saturday 23 November

Gather in circle and discover the the peace and power of weaving with natural fibres.

Lomandra, mulberry, banana, raffia, bangalow palm, cordyline, allocasuarina, lily, passionfruit, water vine – the list of plants for fibre and weaving is almost endless, and there are an abundance growing here at Natureweavers.     

In this session we shall identify and harvest natural materials for fibre and weaving from our land (both plant and otherwise), learn how to prepare them for handwork, and then create functional and beautiful vessels, baskets, pouches and talismans.

Our session will start with a Sit Spot practice, and will also include how to make string/rope/cordage, how to begin a coil basket, and how to sew Bangalow Palm leather into vessels/bags/bowls/pockets.

These workshops are designed to empower you to forage and weave your way around your own backyard and beyond!


When: Saturday 24 November

Time: 10am-3pm

Where: Natureweavers, Black Mountain

Who: Adults, and mature children aged 14+

Cost: $110

Bookings here

Contact Us for more information.